Innovation Creating Value On-Course

We often have meetings during events and this week @wellsfargogolf we had the opportunity to take some time to walk around and check out sponsor activation and branding efforts (always fun to do!).
One of the coolest things I saw while on the course was a "Safe-Tee Kids"
" program that was set up in the Information Tent as people walked in. Patrons were able to sign their kids in to the program and were provided a wristband that alerted tournament volunteers and staff that the child was registered with the entrance and therefore, their parent's contact info was also registered. Kids were told to look for volunteers wearing a specific color golf shirt, which let them know that they were safe adults to go to for help, should the get lost on the course.
Such a simple concept with low cost to the event, and tremendous value to the patrons on course. Well done, Wells Fargo!